Friday, 10 June 2011


I went shopping with my Sister in Yorkdale Shopping Centre last night and had
THE BEST customer service experience I can safely say I have ever had!

A friend of mine had given me a coupon for a free lip gloss at "Kiehls" since she knew she wasn't going to make it up to Yorkdale before the expiry date.


So I happily (and dutifully) took it in hand to the counter in the wonderful smelling and enchanting looking shop.

It was at this time that the Kiehls associate (Tracy) asked me if I had a customer profile with them.  What can I say?  I'm honest and I told her how I came upon the coupon.

Anyone else would have told me "you're not a customer here?  Too bad so sad!  You can't use this then!"

But instead she simply offered to create a customer profile for me so I could get this coupon at a later date.  AND she set me up with some amazing samples!!!!


She asked me about my skin routine, my hair care etc. etc.  And as she pulled each sample out of these amazing apothecary drawers, she would scan each one into my profile so I had access to what I had tried anytime in the future.  How wonderful is that?  Further more, to make my samples last, she suggested that I simply prick the end with a pin so as not to let any air in.

Talk about an A-HA moment!

Needless to say, I am MEGA impressed with Kiehls and am looking forward to trying my samples.  You better believe I asked for a business card and gave Tracy major kudos at the end of my visit!

Can you say "Customer for Life"!?

On a closing note, I was SO thrilled with my experience that I made Monica (my little Sister) go buy a beautiful pair of shoes for her wedding at Holt Renfrew.

This shopping trip was a GREAT SUCCESS!!!!

But you'll have to wait another week before you see them!

Stay Gorgeous Darlings!

XOXO Lizz de Savoye
The Fashion Ninja

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