Monday, 28 February 2011

And the F Bomb goes to.....

I don't remember the last time I enjoyed watching the Oscars as much as I did last night.  Sure there were some parts that dragged on, but the speeches for the most part didn't get played out, no one stole the moment from the winner and there were only a few dresses that made me want to fire these women's stylists on their behalf.

The most memorable moment of course was when Melissa Leo won for Best Supporting Actress and dropped an F Bomb like it was hot.  Best. Moment. Ever! I laughed so hard and laughed even harder when 15 seconds later a PG rating appreared on the screen. DUH!  Too little too late TV!  You should have put a warning right at the beginning.  Academy or not, we are all human in the end and I'm pretty sure my mouth would be a little blue if I won an award like that too! 

And yet, someone FINALLY recognized good TV and let her continue!  It was one of the most genuine and funny acceptance speeches I have ever seen!  Go Melissa!!  She's someone I could definitely picture myself doing tequila body shots with after going to an Art Opening on a Thursday night just for the hell of it! Bawdy and Graceful all at once.  She's my hero!

James Franco and Anne Hathaway did a lovely job hosting. Sure, they weren't as funny as I had hoped they would be, but they were sweet and supportive and well, James just looks so darn hot in a hot pink dress!  And Anne was stunning in EVERYTHING as usual! What can I say? They were a refreshing change from the acidic insults Ricky Gervais hurled out at the Golden Globes.  This was an awards show Ricky, not a roast!!!!

Now, did anyone else notice a huge trend toward Emerald earrings and necklaces last night?  It's like this trend went viral right before the show and each woman's stylist ran to the nearest Harry Winston and haphazardly threw some rocks on their Actresses. I think the only 2 women who looked put together with their green accessories were Reese Witherspoon and Annette Benning.  As always, they were the epitomy of effortless chic!  Amy Adams on the other hand looked like her team had forced a pearl necklace with an Emerald pendent onto her stunning blue sequined dress.  Such an unfortunate choice.  It just made her look so over done and undone.

And what about Oprah!!!???  I love her!  But I did not, not, NOT love her dress!  It made her boobs look like they were crying shiny satin tears while trying to (pardon the pun) BUST OUT!!!  I have a big wrack and even I know better! I think her style team forgot that the stage lights at the Chinese theater are 100 times brighter than at Harpo Studios.  Sorry Queen Oprah, but I just wasn't feeling your ensemble. 

A little style tip I learned (the hard way) a few years back:  

Always make sure you get a picture of you taken in your dress with the flash on.  It's the worst lighting imaginable.  If you still look halfway decent in your dress, pass go.  If you do not, then take that hideous thing off immediately and move on!  I wish I had done this before my unfortunate choice of dress for my BFF's wedding. 

Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis were the style stars of the evening!  Although, I kept feeling like I was going to see nipple at any moment with Mila.  The purple lace from her dress just kept tripping me out!  But Natalie looked ever so stunning in her fuschia gown.  SO elegant and lovely.  I can say the same about her acceptance speech.

It thrilled me to no end that my pics for Best Actor/Actress and Motion Picture all came true.  Each person and team was well deserved.

And of course, I simply MUST mention Trent Reznor!  I grew up with his Industrial music.  I have been a fan for years.  But never, ever in a million, kazillion years did I imagine he would do an Oscar winning soundtrack for a film! Go Trent!  I felt so proud.

I can't wait to see what next years show is like!

Until then,

Stay Gorgeous Darlings!

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye 

Saturday, 26 February 2011

McQ, I heart you.

My newest crush, thanks to my friend Stephanie:
Metal clutch by Alexander McQueen.

RIP February 11, 2010.  

It is still so sad to lose one of the most brilliant artists this world will ever know.
Although I never had the privilege of knowing him personally, I still feel the loss.


Friday, 25 February 2011

Monsieur Galliano!!!!

Dior designer Galliano arrested over alleged slap-fight in Paris restaurant

(Globe and Mail)

"Officials say Dior designer John Galliano was briefly detained after a spat in a Paris restaurant. An official with the Paris prosecutor's office says a couple in the restaurant accused Mr. Galliano of making anti-Semitic insults. A police official said Friday that Mr. Galliano also exchanged slaps with the couple. The flamboyant British designer was questioned and released after the Thursday night incident. Both officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing say Mr. Galliano's blood alcohol levels were high. The Dior fashion house would not comment on the incident, but there are reports Mr. Galliano has been suspended by the managers of the iconic brand."


It is my sincere hope that Mr. Galliano did not actually make these comments and that somehow his words and actions were misconstrued.  I have been a huge fan of his for many years now and it would be such a huge disappointment to find out he is capable of this sort of hate.

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye


Dear Friday: I heart you!

Working in retail it's rare that I get a Saturday AND a Sunday off. In fact, I will be working this entire weekend. And yet here I am, STILL freakin' excited that today is Friday! 

Is it because it represents the end of the work week?  Or maybe it's because every 2nd Friday I get paid? I think perhaps it's more about this feeling of freedom that has stayed with me since high school.

I've noticed recently that I tend to dress up a bit more, tend to be in a better mood, and generally look to the future on Fridays with more hope and possibility.

Is this a common theme with everyone? Or am I just a hopeless Pollyanna?

Whatever the reason, I still have a huge dilemma:  

Tiara or Pretty hat?

Stay Gorgeous Darlings!

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Need a PediCURE for the Winter Blues?

So I'm looking at my feet this morning and I let out a scream that would surprise even Ned Flanders himself.

How could I forget about my precious tootsies for so long!?  Not that I have toe nails to rival the dragon ladies, but c'mon!!!  I can still see where the last time I applied a coat of nail polish began and ended.  It's like a little smear of colour at the very edge of my foot.  I won't even describe the other foot crimes I witnessed upon closer inspection.

So let's be honest here, I KNOW all of you have let your feet go at some point!   But that's not the issue at hand. What matters is WHY do we let this happen every Winter? 

For me, I just become lazy.  LAAAAAZY!!!!  Our feet are stuck in boots from November - March, so what's the point, right?

I'll tell you what the point is.

We all deserve better! 

So starting today, I am going to give myself a pedicure on a weekly basis. If I were a rich girl, I'd even treat myself to a professional pedi. But sometimes, you just gotta go old school and do some things yourself. I don't care if I have to do it at 2am, I will find the time.  I deserve to look at glorious feet when I wake up.  My hubby deserves it too!

I won't even pressure myself to go wild and crazy with color.  A coat of clear is all I need until sandal season.  And while I'm at it, I'm gonna show a little love to my hands too. 

I highly recommend Clarins Hand and Nail Treatment Cream by the way. I find it to be such a lovely treat and it smells great too!  I'm lovingly applying it to my sad and dry cuticles right now infact.

Ahhh, there's my HAPPY!!!!

Stay Gorgeous Darlings!

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye

Happy Cuba Beach Feet!  :) circa 2008

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


So I FINALLY got to see Black Swan for the fist time on the big screen last night.

Insert Bravos, Oooohs and Aaaaahs here: 

Let me first just say, this is the only way one should ever see this film for the first time.
I am STILL swooning this morning.  I just adore Darren Aronofsky. The way he finished the film haunts me in so many lovely ways.

The black and white costumes were to die for! Now, some of you may know who Kate and Laura Mulleavy are.  If you don't, then I have just one word for you:  Rodarte.

You will be amazed by what these fine ladies are creating!

 SO worth the wait!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


This is my newest crush!

Petal to the Metal Natasha

Marc by Marc Jacobs


You better believe I'm saving up my pennies for my Birthday to take home this little beauty!


Only 27 more days till Spring!? How the H did that Happen!?

So in an effort to stave off my very intense and all consuming S.A.D. this past winter I began my annual and epic countdown to the 1st day of Spring. It started with 68 days.  And almost every woman I said this to looked at me like I had taken crazy pills for breakfast.  One even told me to go participate in a winter sport to feel better if I hate the cold that much.

Let me be clear here.  It's not that I DISLIKE Winter.  It's just that I don't like to be cold. Further more, I LOVE to wear pretty dresses and ballet flats.  Parkas and pants are just not my thing. And even though I wear leggings and skirts at work, the act of putting pants on over my leggings to wear under my skirt to deal with that horrible windchill is just plain exhausting and time consuming.  I might as well be sitting into a full body snow suit like when I was a kid.

Which reminds, where can a gal get one of those these days?  They were AWESOME!!!!

But seriously, you can't go anywhere without spending 15 minutes suiting up and stripping down!  Forget having any drama out in a public place.  You'll be over it before you've even finished putting on your hat, sweater and scarf. You just can't make a flashy exit in the Winter.

Now, a few wise Betty's have enjoyed telling me that just because it will be the 1st day of Spring on March 21st (some schools go by the 20th), it doesn't mean that the weather will be all sunshine and patio lattes.


I am well aware of that.  But what I am celebrating is the mind set that from that point on, the weather can only get better.  It's all about attitude darlings!

So, until I hear the birds chirp, feel the warm sun on my face and can stop zipping a glorified duvet around my keester, I am going to do this:

I am going to try on one pretty sundress with pretty shoes everyday to remind myself that there is life after snow!

I've been doing this pretty much daily since January and it has really helped with my S.A.D.  A daily vitamin D pill helps take off the edge too. And maybe some wine at the end of the day while counting down on the calendar.....

Only 27 more days till Spring!?  How the H did that happen!?   Sweeeet!

Stay Gorgeous Darlings!

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye

Monday, 21 February 2011

I'm a freak of Nature-Nothing Fits me!!!!

Okay, so we have ALL said this to ourselves while waves of white hot embarrassment surge through our bodies as we try to squish ourselves into a garment.

"I'm a freak of nature-Nothing fits me!!!"

"How is everything?" the sales girl outside the insanely small fitting room chirps to you.  You secretly want to punch your fist through the curtain and strangle her scrawny neck, but you can't get out of the pants you just tried to squeeze into so you lamely whimper: "Fine".

Why is it we can never look them in the eye when we pass our garment back?

I'll tell you why.  It's because we have somehow bought into the lie that we should all fit into a NUMBER that is lower than our shoe size.  That our value as a person is equal to our ability to whittle down our gorgeous frames into coat hangers- All for the sake of what:  Fashion!?  That's not fashion my friends.  That is HATE!

We are being taught to hate our heavenly, womanly, beautiful vessels because some big name designer company has gone and down sized their sizing system. Since when is Size 0 an actual size!?  What's next?  Size -30?  That sounds more like a weather forecast.  In fact, that just sounds plain stupid!

I once got stuck in a dress because the arm holes were so tight. I thought I was going to die from humiliation.  I actually started crying because I thought I was so hideous. It took me weeks to get over it.  And when I did, I realized, it wasn't me that was too big, it was that I had chosen the wrong size for myself to try.  I was still hooked on that stupid number.

So next time, bring 3 sizes of the same thing into the dressing room with you.  The size you think you are, a size smaller and a size larger.  And PLEASE!, try on all 3!  You'd be amazed how much difference the rise in a pair of pants can make when you go up a size.  Remember mavens, MUFFIN TOP is a crime.  What has been seen cannot be unseen.  No one deserves to see that.  EVER.

Now, I know some of you are probably thinking: I'm a big girl, what should I do?

Well, for starters:  OWN YOUR SHAPE!

I am a size 12/14 north of the equator and 16/18 south of the equator. One doesn't get more pear shaped than me!

I live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. I exercise, I eat right and my cholesterol and heart health are perfect. I just happen to be a larger woman.

And I can't believe it took me so long to accept myself.

Stop punishing yourself, stop fighting your body and start dressing it lovingly and with style! We all have our own personal body issues: big, petite, tall, skinny etc. The sooner we make peace with these issues, the sooner we can move forward to happier lives!

Sometimes I have to go shop in Plus Size Stores for essentials like pants and skirts.  I don't like to as I find the majority of what they sell to be insulting
(no one likes to be sold bad fashion-it tells you that your "size" is only temporary, so why would you want to invest in good clothes?  I find that mentality to be total garbage)

But I accept my frame as it is and I dress myself for the size I am right now.

So give away those "goal pants"!

They are a toxic.

They take up space in your closet and in your psyche.

You love to shop, so go buy yourself a new pair of pants when and should you happen to change your size in the future.  But until then, don't ever feel shame because you don't fit into something in the change room.

It's not you, it's the clothes.

It takes hard work to look great and to love yourself, but the payoff is SO incredibly worth it.  I promise you.

You're awesome.  Don't you forget it!

XOXO The Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye

My Fabulous Finds-Feb.7/11-Value Village 50% off Sale

                               Size 10 Ballet Flats (NEW) $4

              Black and White Angora Sweater with Pearl Detail and 80's shoulder pads $4

                             Grey and Black pinstripe knit dress $8

                                                           Fuschia windbreaker (folds into a pocket) $4

                                purple satin scarf $2

                                                                  Pink satin scarf $1

                         Coral silk scarf $1, Vintage tortoise shell sunglasses $2, Turquoise mohair yarn $1

Fashion Mavens Unite!

Welcome money wise fashion mavens!  
Here I will share with you my “Fabulous Finds”, my tips and tricks to becoming a 
dream customer, how to get great service and how to hone your “Fashion Ninja” 
skills in the art of “Sartorial Domination”
From big chain department stores to your neighborhood hole in the wall thrift shop, 
I will teach you how to find 
gems amongst the lime green polyester pantsuits from hell.
Welcome to my fantabulous, splenderific world of dresses, shoes, 
accessories and so much more! 
Here fashion is YOUR slave. 
Here it bends to YOUR will. 
And HERE is where your new and wonderful 
outlook on you, your life and your wardrobe begins.
You’re gorgeous! You’re awesome!  You deserve the best! 
And don’t you forget it!
XOXO the Fashion Ninja
Lizz de Savoye